Ohio Drug Classifications

Written By: Moermond & Mulligan, LLC

Last Updated: 01-27-2025

Posted on Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 at 8:52 am    

One look at Ohio’s controlled substance schedule is all it takes to realize how many different kinds of drugs there are. However, the goal of Ohio’s controlled substance schedule is to classify each of these drugs into a different category. In this blog post, we explain why these classifications exist and how they impact drug crimes.

If you are facing drug charges, contact us for a no-cost consultation!

Why Do Lawmakers Classify Drugs?

Lawmakers classify drugs for two main reasons. First, they classify drugs because it makes it easier for those working in the criminal justice system to charge, prosecute, and penalize the accused for their drug crimes.

As an example, suppose someone is accused of possession of heroin. When prosecutors go to charge the accused, instead of worrying about determining the penalties and charges for the specific drug, they can identify the schedule of the drug to determine potential charges against the accused.

Heroin is a Schedule I drug in Ohio, so prosecutors will charge the accused according to the similar Schedule I drug offenses.

It’s important to note that not all drugs in a schedule will result in the schedule’s general penalties and charges. For example, marijuana is a Schedule I drug but does not result in Schedule I penalties or charges.

The second reason lawmakers classify drugs is to show a drug’s abuse-potential and psychological and/or physical dependence potentials. For example, Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and can create severe psychological dependence. On the other hand, Schedule V drugs have the lowest abuse potential of all drugs.

What are the Different Drug Classifications?

Schedule I

This classification includes drugs that are considered the most dangerous. These types of drugs have no current medical use and a high potential for abuse and addiction. Schedule I can include: Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, etc.

Schedule II

This classification of Schedule II drugs are highly addictive and have a potential for abuse. These drugs are medically acceptable in some instances, such as for chronic pain or addiction. They can also be obtained with a prescription. Schedule II drugs can include OxyCotin and Morphine.

Schedule III

The Schedule III classification of drugs has a low to moderate potential for dependence and addiction. They are less dangerous than Schedule I and II drugs and can be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. These include Vicodin, Tylenol, Ketamine, etc.

Schedule IV

The Schedule IV classification is used for medical purposes and could lead to abuse, but they have a low probability for misuse. This classification includes Xanax, Valium, Soma, etc.

Schedule V

This classification of drugs is the least addictive category. These a very low quantity of a narcotic. Although they are considered the low potential for abuse, they could be misused. Schedule V drugs include Robitussin and Ezogabine.

Charged with a Drug Crime? We Can Help

If you or a loved one is charged with a drug crime, Moermond & Mulligan, LLC is here to help. We are an award-winning law firm that gets results for our clients. If you want an “Ohio Super Lawyer’s” firm on your case, get in touch with our firm.

Call (513) 421-9790 now for a free consultation for your case!