Rape Defense Lawyer In Cincinnati

Rape Defense Lawyer In Cincinnati

Never take rape allegations lightly, as people consider it one of the country’s most egregious crimes. If you face arrest or charges for rape, time is crucial. Moreover, it is also crucial to work with an experienced rape defense lawyer.

After all, one should act quickly to obtain the support of experienced legal representation when accused of a sex crime in order to fight for their rights. The Cincinnati rape defense lawyers of Moermond & Mulligan, LLC have years of experience obtaining successful results for our clients. We know how to gather the available evidence necessary for a strong defense case.

Indeed, we understand that not only are your rights on the line, but your entire future is, too. Therefore, we will work around the clock to fight for you. Call (513) 421-9790 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Cincinnati sex crimes defense attorneys today.

Main Office 615 Main St 3rd Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 421-9790
Table Of Contents

    What Is Considered Rape in Ohio?

    Ohio defines “rape” as any form of unwanted sexual contact obtained without consent, typically by using force, the threat of force, intimidation, or coercion of some kind. Additionally, Ohio may charge someone with rape if they engage in sexual conduct with someone who isn’t their spouse or is their spouse but lives separately. The offender will also have committed rape under these conditions:

    • The person accused of rape substantially impaired the victim’s judgment using drugs, alcohol, or some other means to prevent resistance by force, threat of force, deception, or covert actions.
    • The victim is younger than 13 years old.
    • The accused individual knew or should have known that the victim could not consent due to impairment from a mental or physical condition or advanced age.

    Punishment for Rape in Ohio

    Rape carries some of the state’s most harsh consequences. Rape is a first-degree felony. The minimum period of incarceration for rape is three to 11 years in prison.

    A person can be sentenced to three to 11 years if:

    • The defendant was under 16 and didn’t cause serious harm to the victim if the victim was ten or older
    • The defendant drugged or made the victim drunk
    • The victim had a mental or physical impairment that prevented them from resisting
    • The defendant forced or threatened the victim

    The sentence could be five to 11 years if the defendant gave the victim a scheduled controlled substance.

    The sentence could be ten years to life if the victim was under 13.

    The sentence could be 15 years to life if the victim was under ten.

    The sentence could be 25 years to life without parole if the victim is under 13 and:

    • The defendant has a prior conviction
    • The defendant committed a similar offense in another state
    • The defendant used threat or force
    • The defendant seriously physically harmed the victim

    The court could require the convicted offender to pay a fine of up to $20,000 in addition to serving time in prison.

    Those aren’t the only penalties for rape. Additionally, they will likely require the offender to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. Individuals added to the Ohio Sex Offender Registry must promptly provide the local sheriff’s office with their personal and vehicle information, which encompasses essential details about their place of residence, employment, and criminal history. Failure to comply with this mandate will lead to severe consequences. Every time the offender changes residence, they have to register their move. They must do so even for temporary changes of location, when they go to a school or university, and when they take a job in another state.

    Other Effects of Rape Accusations and Convictions

    While false accusations are rare and only make up two to 10 percent of all reported cases, it’s important to consider how accusations, whether true or false, may negatively impact the accused party for the rest of their lives.

    rape defense lawyer and clients

    There are several ways that rape accusations and convictions can cause irreparable damage to an individual’s life.

    • The person’s reputation may be so damaged that they can spend the rest of their lives surrounded by social stigma. This stigma can lead to harassment, exclusion, isolation, and more.
    • The individual may lose their job and have trouble finding and maintaining employment for the rest of their lives, leading to significant amounts of lost income.
    • If someone has been falsely accused of rape or sexual assault, they may sustain psychological trauma from enduring the ordeal. They could develop mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.
    • Being convicted of rape or sexual assault can result not only in serious legal consequences but in heavy financial burdens as well. The legal fees, court costs, and lost income that come with defending yourself are a heavy burden to bear – even after you’ve been exonerated. It can often take years – even decades – for individuals to recover financially, especially since social stigmas may prevent them from finding and maintaining consistent employment.
    • Lastly, allegations may permanently damage the accused individual’s personal relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. These relationships can be fragile and repairing them can be difficult, even if authorities clear the accused party of any wrongdoing.

    Let the Cincinnati Rape Defense Lawyers of Moermond & Mulligan, LLC Fight for You

    Suppose you face arrest or conviction for rape in Cincinnati. You likely face serious legal consequences, including fines, prison time, and lifelong damage to your personal and professional reputation. Never take rape allegations lightly. Our experienced criminal defense lawyers in Cincinnati commit to fighting for your rights.

    We understand the difficulty of an arrest for rape or facing rape charges, and we dedicate ourselves to building a strong case for you around the clock. We gather evidence, collect witness statements, and more to strengthen your defense. We examine every possible defense to strategize the best way to protect you. We negotiate with prosecutors to reduce or dismiss your charges.

    Call the Moermond & Mulligan, LLC at (513) 421-9790 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Cincinnati rape defense attorneys today.

    Last Updated: 03-03-2025